The Indian subcontinent is one of the fastest growing aviation markets in the world. A promising market in which Skytanking has been active for thirteen years. At that time, 2006, the consortium of Skytanking, IndianOil and Indian Oiltanking won the contract to build and operate the tank farm and hydrant system at Bangalore Airport. The award meant Skytanking's entry into the Indian aviation market. Further locations followed. In addition to Bangalore, Delhi and Mumbai, the country's three largest airports, IOSL now operates at eleven other airports.

| Current News
IndianOil Skytanking Continues to Grow
The new year is off to a good start for Skytanking: On January 4, 2019, IndianOil Skytanking (IOSL) began refuelling aircraft in Pune, India. Pune is a lively city in the west Indian state of Maharashtra - and IOSL's 14th site in India.